Seeing orbs in videos
Seeing orbs in videos

Yes many orbs are actual dust particles, however what I video taped last night was no piece of dust. When you see it in front of my cameras it feel as though it want my attention because it definitely put on a show in front of the cameras I personally believe its a spirit, I dont feel that its trying to hurt, haunt or bother me. I will be taking there advice and adding more cameras for that front side and back view along with laser grids this weekend. and a police evidence tech now reseacher himself agreed and said it was only one Entity regardless of how many orbs that was clustered together.

seeing orbs in videos

I had also sent copies to the Enviromental Protection Agency and they also could not verify what it was. Since I been recording it all time of night and day it have gotten stronger and now its able to trigger my motion lights. In my situation something is trying to communicate and let it be known that its here. I moved my cameras to a different area of the yard maybe 200 feet and it followed the camera. I have hours of video from at night and daytime. Lights that look like circles and also have a trail. It was hundreds and they was not dust, insect or particles.

seeing orbs in videos

I even have a large Orb float pass my camera slowly with the bottom half moving in a walking motion.I sent footage too experts all over the country and some says its a orb storm and other still not sure what they are.One thing for sure when I recorded off my phone and was walking through them its not from our world and the light was moving through me and around.

seeing orbs in videos

I went out and recorded the orbs around my camera and they followed me back to my door. Once I seen them go through my camera around and spin at incredible speeds. I can say that the Orbs Im are experiencing are hundreds of unknow light that float around with intelligence. I been researching Orbs and ran across your post.

Seeing orbs in videos